Pre Test Information: No pre test instructions / No preparation required

    Report Delivery: Sample Collection Time: No time restriction; Turnaround Time: 3-8 Hours

    Sample Required : Blood in EDTA Tube,

    The complete blood count (CBC) is a group of tests that evaluate the cells that circulate in blood, including red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets (PLTs). The CBC can evaluate your overall health and detect a variety of diseases and conditions, such as infections, anemia and leukemia.

    Pre Test Information: Fasting 12 Hours No Alcohol

    Report Delivery: Sample Collection Time: No time restriction; Turnaround Time: Same Day

    Sample Required : Blood In Plain / SST Tube / Serum,

    Lipids are a group of fats and fat-like substances that are important constituents of cells and sources of energy. A lipid panel measures the level of specific lipids in the blood - Triglycerides, CHolesterol Total, HDL, LDL & VLDL Cholesterol. Two important lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides, are transported in the blood by lipoproteins (also called lipoprotein particles). Each type of lipoprotein contains a combination of cholesterol, triglyceride, protein, and phospholipid molecules. The particles measured with a lipid panel are classified by their density into high-density lipoproteins (HDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL).

    Pre Test Information: Fasting 8 hours

    Report Delivery: Sample Collection Time: No time restriction; Turnaround Time: Same Day

    Sample Required : Blood in Fluoride tube,

    Fasting blood glucose helps diagnose & monitor Diabetes Mellitus.

    Pre Test Information: No pre test instructions / No preparation required

    Report Delivery: Sample Collection Time: No time restriction; Turnaround Time: 3-6 Hours

    Sample Required : Blood In Plain / SST Tube / Serum,

    A kidney panel is a group of tests that may be performed together to evaluate kidney (renal) function. The tests measure levels of various substances, including several minerals, electrolytes, proteins, and glucose (sugar), in the blood to determine the current health of your kidneys. Tests include :- Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Sodium & Potassium, Total Proteins, Albumin

    Pre Test Information: No pre test instructions / No preparation required

    Report Delivery: Sample Collection Time: No time restriction; Turnaround Time: 3-6 Hours

    Sample Required : Blood In Plain / SST Tube / Serum,

    Vitamin D is a family of compounds that is essential for the proper growth and formation of teeth and bones. This test measures the level of vitamin D in the blood. The main role of vitamin D is to help regulate blood levels of calcium, phosphorus, and (to a lesser extent) magnesium. Vitamin D is vital for the growth and health of bone; without it, bones will be soft, malformed, and unable to repair themselves normally, resulting in diseases called rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Vitamin D has also been shown to influence the growth and differentiation of many other tissues and to help regulate the immune system. These other functions have implicated vitamin D in other disorders, such as autoimmunity and cancer.

    Pre Test Information: No pre test instructions / No preparation required

    Report Delivery: Sample Collection Time: No time restriction; Turnaround Time: 3-6 Hours

    Sample Required : Urine in Sterile Container,

    Basic urine test done on a spot sample. It includes chemical examination - Proteins, Sugar, Ketones & pH and Microscopic examination for pus cells, blood cells, casts, crystals etc.